Those who kept the light

Those Who Kept the Light is a film installation and site-specific sculptures by Finnish artist Nastja Säde Rönkkö. The exhibition is curated with curator Aura Seikkula and Rønnebæksholm.

The work is installed in the impressive Barn on Rønnebæksholm and is based on ten poetic manuscripts, written during the artist's travels in Denmark and Norway, and explores the relationship with the sea based on queer-feminist maritime narratives. Those Who Kept the Light explores the importance of vulnerability, care and collective memory through myth and narrative. Within the broader framework of the climate crisis and the role of the ocean's fragile ecosystems, the project explores the collective mindset of anxiety and hope through and within epic and barren Nordic landscapes.

The exhibition is launched in collaboration with CHART Art Fair and the sculptural works are created with students from the Talent School's Art Line. Subsequently, the work will be shown with the Culture City Council of Mesén in Norway. The work was commissioned by Kunsthal Rønnebæksholm and the Mesén Cultural Council.

Those Who Kept the Light is made possible by Avek, Nordisk Kulturfond, Nordisk Kulturpunkt, Finland's Cultural Institute in Denmark, Finnish-Norwegian Cultural Institute, Tönne von Christierson's Foundation, Ulla and Erik Hoff-Clausen's Family Foundation, Fritt Ord and Bergesenstiftelsen and Taike Arts Promotion Center Finland.




Roennbaksholm, Denmark


Sound design and additional musical arrangements for films. Soundscape for exhibition.

working group

Work by Nastja Säde Rönkkö

Cinematography Aake Kivalo
Production assisce and acting Rosaliina Paavilainen
Sound design, additional music arrangement for works and soundscape for exhibition Janne Masalin
Music Timo Kaukolampi